Friday, March 19, 2010

My static image is a self portrait

I choose the colour green as my background because it describes my mood.
I was trying to express confidence.
This represents me because I have a self confidence.

I choose the colour grey shirt because I have self confidence.
This represents me because I have self confidence.

I choose the colour grey shirt because it represents me as strong but quiet.
The mood I was trying to express was between anonymity and reverence.
This represents me as an anonymous but quiet achiever.

I choose the colour brown face and black hair because it describes my mood.
The mood I was trying to express is self belief
These represent me because I have self belief.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Individual Goals Basic Fact

91 – 100%

81 - 90 %

71 – 80%

61 – 70%

51 – 60%

41 – 50%

31 – 40%

21 – 30%

11 – 20%

0 – 10 %

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

My Goals are:

  • To get 100 out of 100.
  • To learn my addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.

To reach my goals I will:

  • Study my addition, subtraction, multiplication & division every single day.
  • Playing maths game that has addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
  • Trying to learn the numbers that I can’t add, subtract, multiply & divide

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How is learning is structed in Room 5

Here at Room we have 4 blocks in between each block we have breaks so we can eat, play and have fun and time where teacher catch-up and to eat food and relax as well

In we also have rules in Room 5 it’s important to have rules. If we don’t have rule in Room 5 everyone will go berserk. If you decide to follow the rules you might get rewarded if you don’t you might suffer the consequences.

We always busy in Room 5 because we do too much work like on. Writing we are writing about how learning is structured to Room 5 and using blog. In Maths we been doing basic facts, worksheets and learning division. We don’t some fun stuff on P.E. we played Soccer, Captured the flag and Touch rugby. We haven’t done anything on science. At athletics we done discus, shock put, long jump and race. Swimming we done swimming lesson and swimming completion. In reading we had done book review, work sheet and blog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Individual Goal Writing













My Sublevel

Year 9 Expectation

My Goals are:

  • To improve my writing skills.
  • To learn how to reach level 4A.

To reach my goals I will:

  • Write more stories.
  • Start with capital when start writing in the beginning or when writing name, place & date.
  • Use big words.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How to Play Touch

What is touch is about?

The rules of how to play.

What is touch about?

Touch is a sport that can be played by any person.

It’s like tackle rugby but you can’t tackle people.

Instead you must touch the person on the other team.

In touch rugby we have rules.

You must we have 6 to 12 player in each team.

You can only have 6 players on the field.

If you drop the ball the other team gets the ball

If you get touch you have to roll the ball below you and the dummy half will pass the ball.

Touch is played by lots of people around the world.