Thursday, June 24, 2010

I won a planet

The prize I would want is to own my own planet and name it Mark. And I want to look like earth but with a huge rail gun so if a big UFO or anything else is has coming near my planet that thing will eliminate the threats.

In my planet the population has to stay low so that people won’t produce too much rubbish. I want it to stay environment friendly.

The awesome thing about my planet is that you don’t need to work everything is free. And you don’t have to travel using car you used planes.

Everything is rune by solar energy not gas and coal.

This planet temperature is on normal it doesn’t rain cats and dogs, tsunami, and volcano eruption. There’s no bad weather

I think that I should have my own planet because I know how to look after the people and stuff around me and know that I can look after what is given to me.

My Self Assesment

My goal in reading was to learn to read at a higher level, be able to read without making mistakes and not having to re-read paragraphs. I have achieved this goal by practicing my reading at home and at school during silent reading time.

My goal in writing was to structure my paragraphs better and improve my spelling. I have been working toward this goal by learning to plan my writing and edit it carefully with the help of the teacher. I have been practicing spelling the words I find difficult each week.

My goal in numeracy was to improve my basic facts and to achieve 100% in the basic facts tests. I am working toward this goal by practicing my basic facts each day.